Getting Started

This page will help you get started with OpenForm.

This module requires :

  • DNN 7.2 or +
  • OpenContent 1.1 [url:]
  • Bootstrap 3 Skin (free example : [url:HammerFlex|] made by Chris Hammond)

Get started

  1. Download the module here: [url:]
  2. Install OpenContent 1.1 or higher as a standard module in your DNN installation (Menu : host, extensions). Only if not already installed.
  3. Install OpenForm as a standard module in your DNN installation (Menu : host, extensions)
  4. Add the OpenForm module to a page.
  5. Get a template by importing in from a archive or by direct download from (Module action : Template Exchange)
  6. Chose the template you want to use (Module Settings) and enter the the asked settings.

The email messages and feedback message support handlebars.


Hey {{Name}},

Thanks for submitting !

You entered :

Remark : FormData is available from v 1.1.1

More info about Handlebars : [url:]

Form definition

The form definition is based on alpaca forms which is the same that is used for the OpenContent module.

So some part of the documentation of OpenContent is also applicable for OpenForm


or at the alpaca website [url:]

Auto initialization of fields from dnn user when logged in
(from version 3.1.x)

Field names to use : Username, FirstName, LastName, Email, DisplayName, Telephone, Street, City, Country