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How to delete form submissions?

Hi Sacha, I might be missing something obvious. Is there a way to delete form submissions from the user interface? Many thanks, Olly.

Default Value for Textbox

How can I add a default value (e.g. DisplayName) in a textbox using the FormBuilder?

Register Examle

Hello, Can anyone give an example that uses OpenForm to register? Thanks

Tracking code examples

Hello, Please can you provide an example using the Tracking Script field? I am using the Google Universal Analytics (gtag.js) and want to signal when the form has been submitted. I assume I should send a manual pageview: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/pages#manual_pageviews Do I need the <script></script> tags? So the final entry in the Tracking Script field would be of the format: <script> gtag('event', 'page_view', { page_title: '<Page Title>', page_location: '<Page Location>', page_path: '<Page Path>' }) </script>

Can we have a full example for OpenForm?

I'm going nuts trying to implement OpenForm for a simple contact form: it just have to send an email message with data from the form, and save those data in a table. Is it possible to get a full example of a working OpenForm form?

File input questions

Hello, I have a couple of questions around the file input control. I've added them using the Form Builder. 1. If I set a File field to "Required", the validation stops the form from submitting. I can choose a file, but I cannot submit the form. I get "This field is not optional." - Is this a bug or a browser limitation? 2. Is there a way to stop OpenForm from attaching the uploaded file to an email notification? Many thanks, Olly Hodgson.

Multi-step forms

Wanted to ask if it's possible to create multi-step forms with this module since i haven't seen anything mentioned in the documentation...

Openform - Download csv error

Hi Sacha, I am having the error "A critical error has occurred. Please check the Event Viewer for further details." when i click the "Download as Excel" link. Any idea how to fix this? Cheers, Gillian

Store data in different tables

So i tried the Open Form module and i noticed that the data is stored in a json format inside SQL Server. However, i would like to store the data normally by tables and columns as in a typical database table. How can i achieve this?

Disable store data

Hi, Is it possible to disable the storing of submitted data? All the submission is sent to an email only.